How to install and setup Strapi headless CMS

4 min readJun 25, 2022

Hello welcome to my new Strapi tutorials. In this Article , I will show you athe four steps in creating a Strapi application..

Steps include:

1 Setting up Strapi work environment

2 Creating Strapi admin User

3 Creating Content-Types or Creating your Strapi database schema

4 Installing plugins

I know You may be wondering by now what Strapi is all about and what it really is. Worry not, in this video we will discuss what Strapi is and which platforms or tools to use with Strapi.

And by the end of this video, you will be able to create your own Strapi CMS application and run it.

Alright lets start by understanding what Strapi is:

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS tool for Node.js that enables us Manage our applications content, with a powerful CMS system using their application’s admin panel. A CMS is knows as a Content Management System.

We have also to know that Strapi supports both NoSQL and SQL doing so Allowing developers to choose their favorite tools and frameworks to use. For instance if you’re developing a web app using either next js , react or express and also mobile apps with react Native , Flutter ,ionic etc the list is endless.

Lets also understand what a headless CMS is?

A headless Content Management System, or headless CMS, is a back-end-only content management system that acts primarily as a content repository.this means It is built to allow content to be accessed via RESTFUL API.

E.g there are many systems out there that manages and organizes content without a connected front-end or display layer. Like Joomla, Wordpress, drupal and many more

1 Install and setup

Strapi requires Node.js installed on your system. Which provides a boilerplate generator, create-strapi-app, for setting up of our applications.

So you will need to install Node first on your systems. You can visit this link to download Node

Then after you can run this command you to install node installer boilerplate for Strapi like so >

npm i -g create-strapi-app

when the Command above runs and finishes

Now creating a Strapi application is as simple as running this code:

create-strapi-app my-blog — quickstart

When the installation is done it will print for us a an address that we can use to access our installed Strapi project :

Which can be found at this address : http://localhost:1337

2 Creating Strapi admin User

Then here we can Register our admin User first before accessing our admin UI dashboard :

we will start by creating our database Schema for our api. Strapi provides us an easy UI for creating our database schema

3 Creating Content-Types or Creating your Strapi database schema

let’s understand what a database schema is:

A database schema is the skeleton structure or object that represents every element of a database, such as tables, fields, records etc…

and now we head to Content — Types there we can then create our collection Type called Blog and it will contain the title, image, and content..

4 Installing plugins

After that we also add some plugins to our Strapi application by simply going to Market and download a plugin like documentation plugin. Which will help us to access API details.

we do so by just Copying the command and past it in our command line and press enter on our keyboard.

so now here we can access API details.

and this concludes This Article. we will meet in the next article

